Monday, September 30, 2019

Relationship between humans and nature Essay

Marlowe in his poem ‘The passionate shepherd to his love’ talks of the strong link between humans and the nature that surrounds them. The poem from beginning to the end talks mainly of the nature that surrounds us wherever we go. The poem makes us understand that we are actually dependent on nature for all our needs. The nature in its splendor is so beautiful that Marlowe has actually united with the environment. The poem captures the joy of love, in the midst of nature. In fact reading the poem makes one wonder, if the natural splendor that surrounded Marlowe when he wrote the poem, was the reason for his love to flow like a river. Nature makes one forget about the present. In fact, it makes us forget all about ourselves and become one with nature as we enjoy and be part of the beauty that surrounds us in all its glory. Marlowe in this poem talks more of the nature that surrounds him and less about his love. The poem talks of the quiet simplicity of rural life and how humans are part of nature. There is no way of separating humans from nature. The humans are dependent on nature for their very existence. The nature is dependent on humans to be admired and glorified. The human dependence on nature is highlighted by the fact that Marlowe is sitting upon a rock. He wants to make a bed of roses; wool for a coat from the lambs, buckles for the slippers from gold, a belt of straw, the list goes on. Marlowe by writing this poem has made the readers understand the relationship between humans and nature. Annie Dillard in ‘Sojourner’ talks of the Earth in its entire splendor. She talks of the mangrove tree that floats and becomes like an island in a sense. She rediscovers the magic of nature and how it can be viewed in a beautiful sense. People ordinarily will not give a second thought to a tree floating. She magnifies the significance and projects a simple natural event into something extraordinary. In fact Annie Dillard brings to life the mangrove tree that is all but dead. A tree that has no life has been brought to life with her words. When Dillard talks about the mangrove tree, she actually means the Earth and its movements. She tells that Earth is a sojourner, creating its own path and moves in a path that cannot be followed by any other thing on Earth. She tells that Earth is a wet ball thrown into eternity and humans are part of this. We the humans and nature have united to become one. She ends with a question asking what will happen at the end of the journey. The mangrove tree will finally end up in the Ocean. So where do the Earth and the humans living on it finally end up, is a question left unanswered. Mangroves play a major role in the essay by Annie Dillard. She uses the tree to show the human nature. The mangrove starts from scratch and builds a strong foundation. The human nature and relationships are similar. We all start from scratch and build many strong relationships as we grow. Some who are not able to make any relationships are like the mangrove tree felled by the hurricane, being tossed and not knowing the final destination. Annie Dillard unites with nature and is part of it. She talks of the Earths movement in words that make a person imagine and feel the true aura of nature. She has merged the human nature and the nature to be examples of each other.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Childrens Drawings

What do children’s drawings tell us about children’s minds? The topic of children’s drawings and their relation to a child’s cognitive processes, particularly thoughts is a topic of great interest. It is widely believed that children often express feelings, thoughts and messages which they cannot express through words through drawing pictures. This essay reviews previous research conducted on children’s drawings and aims to assess what exactly it tells us about their minds and what messages they are putting down in drawings.Following an overview of drawing and the cognitive development, this essay evaluates a selection of relevant research studies into children’s drawings and minds and aims to understand some specific symbols which are often drawn by young children and the meaning of these graphic images. According to Thomas & Silk (1990), children’s drawings have a variety of different purposes varying from bringing pleasure and enjoy ment to themselves, decorating walls and expressing feelings and showing others how they feel about certain objects or people. N. R.Smith (1973) believes that the child begins the drawing with no intention or symbolisation, but as the drawing progresses a pattern is made and the child sees a representation and then proceeds to make the rest of the drawing shift towards this representation and builds on that. The basic pattern of children’s development of drawings begins at scribbles which appear from 12 months. The scribbles are non-representational and just involve the progressive control of movement. These scribbles tend to be viewed as gestures rather than drawing in true sense of the world according to Vygotsky.Arnheim (1956) believes that the earliest scribbles are a motor impulse, this simply means the child has no intention to draw a representation of an object or event it is just a coincidence. They begin to progress from 20 months of age where the scribbles being to become representational and the marks stand for whole objects. Cognitive psychologists tend to search these scribbles for visual resemblance where they attempt to make some sense of it. There is often some intended meaning within the scribbles, for example dots representing foot prints but not true representation.Symbolic pictures start to appear around 3 years of age where children begin to understand that pictures represent objects and begin to start drawing simple pictures of people. Over time more realistic pictures are drawn around 5/6 years old and at 6/7 years old children begin to use size, position and composition to show depth, those of which allow more natural representations of the real world and tend to have a more significant meaning. Luquet (1927) and later on Piaget & Inhelder (1969) invented the Stage Theory of Drawing.This is the belief that drawings are external representations of the child’s internal model which is their mental picture. The stage theory co nsists of four stages. The first stage is fortuitous realism which occurs at 1. 5-2. 5 years old and consists of labelling objects in scribbles. The second stage is failed realism (2/5-5 years old), representational intention but tends to be inaccurate. The third stage being intellectual realism (5-8 years old), drawing what the child knows rather than what they see and the fourth stage, visual realism which is beyond 8 years old which is where the child actually draws what they see.There has been evidence to back up the stage theory, for example Freeman & Janikoun (1972) conducted a study in 1972 on 5-7 year olds. They were asked to draw a mug in front of them which had the handle out of view. Results found that under 8 year olds who would be in the intellectual stage drew the mug which included the hidden parts as they would be drawing what they knew, whereas the 8 year olds and over who would be in the Visual stage drew only what they could see.However the stage theory has been c riticised for the stages being too rigid leading to underestimating the child’s ability. Barret, Beaumont & Jennett (1985) also found that instructions can have an impact on the child’s drawing. They found that if children were given standard instructions, i. e. just telling them to draw what they can see, only 11% of drawings would be correct whereas if they were given explicit instructions, i. e. draw exactly what they can see and look at it very carefully in order to draw it as you see, 65% of drawings were correct.It is also argue that the stage theory can vary over different cultures. The human figure is a drawing particularly investigated as it is regarded to be a way in which children express something about themselves. Researchers believe they can explain a child’s personality and their current emotional state. Tests were created to investigate this, for example the Kinetic Family Drawings Test claimed to measure how children felt about the topics in the drawing and their wider environment.However further research was conducted to assess the reliability and validity of this test and results proved to be quite poor meaning the test was not a reliable indicator of children’s emotions and drawings. However it is the more recent research which is providing evidence that children’s drawings do show children’s feelings as they tend to focus more on particular drawing styles, drawing size and colour which show that the drawings can be investigated systematically (Burkitt, 2004).This can cause some confusion though because it is difficult to understand what aspect of emotion a child is conveying through a large or small figure, however as this topic is increasingly looked it, it is coming to the conclusion that if the child is feeling happy and feels positive towards the figure they are drawing then the figure size tends to be larger whereas a smaller figure will be used if the child is feeling negative. This is useful in understanding how children are feeling simply by analysing their drawings.Children’s drawings are often described as a mirror of a child’s representational development, meaning that as children grow older they develop more complex and representational strategies of drawing. These are also furthermore differentiated by gender. A study conducted by Cherney et al. (2006) collected drawings from 109 5-13 year olds of the child’s family and school. The results showed significant age and gender differences revolving around the amount of detail included in the drawings of the school showing that females included more.The drawings also showed stereotypical drawings between males and females pictures showing that genders represent families differently. The drawings of the families suggested that the female’s drawings may represent their experiences with family relationships and they tend to value these relationships more than males. These results also showed t hat with age, the drawings became more realistic which supports the findings of several previous studies on drawing development with age leading to more representational drawings.Girls also drew the female figures taller than the boys which may be reflective of how she feels about the relationships in her life and that she values her fellow female friends more dearly. The taller figures can also indicate high self-esteem. It is suggested that differences in motor skills may confound the findings. The colours used in children’s drawings can also help play a part in discovering the child’s mind. For example Dr Winter (2006) states that when a child draws in dark colours such as black and grey, it does not immediately mean that there is something wrong with the child, however if the child is onstantly using black, grey and other dark colours in favour of other brighter, cheerful colours, it could suggest the child has some sort of problem which is worth investigating. A s tudy by E. Burkitt & A. Davis (2003) was conducted to investigate the use of children’s colour choice in drawings and how these colours related to what they thought of the drawings. It consisted of 330 4-11 year olds. It was found that children used the colours which they preferred more to colour in the objects they thought to be nice and used their least favourite colours for the objects they thought to be nasty.It was also found that the colour black was the most frequently used colour used for the negative images. These findings help interpret children’s drawings just by looking at what colours are used and this will help give an understanding of the child’s thoughts on the object. So in general children’s drawings which use bright and bold colours tend to be viewed as positive and assume the child is experience happy cognitions whereas when a child uses dark colours it is assumed that the child may be experiencing distress and negative cognitions.Howe ver Burkitt (2003) criticised this and argued that when a child uses a dark colour it may not necessarily mean they are expressing a negative attitude, it could simply be that the child favours this colour and they want to express this in their drawing by using their favourite colour. The things that children may not be able to tell themselves can often be found through interpretations and observations of their drawings of graphic symbols.Previous research found the main and clearest signs found in drawings are over sized ears without earrings which could suggest the child is experiencing some sort of verbal abuse in their life, big hands in a drawing suggest that the child is experiencing some sort of physical abuse and aggression, if a drawing of a person has no mouth it is suggested that the child finds it difficult to communicate and drawings of a person with jagged teeth, spiked fingers and hair relate to aggressive behaviour.However to properly interpret children’s draw ings, these patterns must be consistent over time and not just occur once otherwise it is highly likely it will have no meaning or representation and is just a random occurrence with significance at all. Wales believes that as we begin to summarize characteristics of children’s drawings and watch them develop and change throughout childhood we soon see that the observations that are made on the hildren’s drawings are in fact the product of our own interpretations and what we believe the picture is showing. The question of how children draw pictures which differ so much from adults is a major question which often causes debates such as is there actually a message there or is it just a typical child’s drawing which has no significance or meaning whatsoever.Many questions arise involving this research area once people attempt to make sense of children’s drawings, however many people believe children’s drawings should be left as they are without invest igation as they believe it is mysterious and imaginative. The research looked into for this essay has shown that the main indicators used in children’s drawings which help to understand children’s thoughts, messages and emotions are the colours used and the figure size.The research into children’s drawings in relation to children’s minds has found many results showing that drawings do relate to the child’s cognitions however all research into interpreting children’s drawings and what it tells us about their minds can be criticised because it could just be that the child enjoys drawing something particular and their decision to draw what they are drawing is always influenced by their own knowledge of the object and their own thoughts and interpretations on the object and what bits are important about it.The drawing is a representation of how the child sees the world themselves and it is thought that to alter this information by adding adult i nterpretations and to investigate more into it is a shame. As the child’s cognition capacity increasing, children are more able to express representations as they move from simple drawings, to complex drawings. It is difficult to conclude whether these drawings actually represent something to the child or whether it is simply our own interpretations and representations. References Barret, Beaumont & Jennett. (1985).The effect of instructions on view-specificity in young children’s drawing and picture selection. The British Psychological Society, 8 (4), 393-400. Burkitt, E. & Davis, A. (2003). Children’s colour choices for completing drawings of affectively characterised topics. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 44, 445-455. Burkitt, E. (2004). Drawing conclusions from children’s art. The Psychologist, 17, 566-568. Cherney et al. (2006). Children’s drawings: A mirror to their minds. Educational Psychology, 26 (1), 12 7-142. Chia, N. (2006, October 26). Understand your children through their drawings.LESNET Web Blog. Retrieved December 12, 2012, from http://www. lsesnet. com/blog/? p=28 Freeman, N, H. & Janikoun, R. (1972). Intellectual realism in children’s drawings of a familiar object with distinctive features. Child Development, 43 (3), 1116-1121. Grieve, R. & Hughes, M. (1991). Understanding children. 140-144. Luquet. (1927). Stage Theory of Drawing Meadows, S. (1993). Children’s drawings. The child as a thinker. The development and acquisition of cognition in childhood. 94-96. Thomas, G. & Silk,A. (1990). An introduction to the psychology of children’s drawings. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf. Self-Reflective Assessment 1/ How did you search for and identify suitable reading for this assignment? Has your reading been sufficiently wide enough and does it make good use of peer-reviewed sources? I used Google scholar, e-library, books from the library and the refere nces provided in the lecture PowerPoint slides to find suitable reading on children’s drawings and children’s minds and it was sufficiently wide enough. All readings were suitable and related to the essay question. 2/ How does your Introduction orientate the reader? How well do you identify the purpose and scope of the essay, and outline your thesis?My introduction orientates the reader because I stated what the essay was about in general and I stated how it has been addressed by previous researchers. I identified the purpose of the essay well as I addressed the main issue of how it is believed that children’s drawings can explain a child’s cognitions. My thesis was outlined well as I summarised the structure of the essay and what it will include. 3/ What evidence have you used to support your argument and the points or claims you make? Are your sources reliable, and have you cited these at appropriate points throughout the essay using APA style?I used AP A style to cite my sources throughout my essay. I have used evidence from previous studies conducted, journals and books to support my arguments and points made. These are all very reliable sources and have been put in my reference section also. 4/ How well have you critically evaluated your material? I tried to criticise and argue to an extent against as many points and argument as I possibly could in my essay so that more viewpoints come across giving me more to evaluate. 5/ How well have you answered the question and avoided unnecessary digression or irrelevant content?I believe that all of my contents are relevant to the question in one way or another. Every point relates back to what the children’s drawing can tell us about their mind and tried also to explain why when possible. 6/ How well does your conclusion summarise the overall argument and round off the essay? The conclusion summarises the overall argument well as it includes all the main, important parts from each study rounded up into one to make an overall conclusion. The essay is rounded off with a final and straight, simple answer to the essay question. .

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Business Decision Making Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Decision Making - Assignment Example This involves internal and external assessment. The next process involves setting goals and selecting opportunities. The process involve getting specific to the intended purpose of the data collection process. The next process in planning is the approach and data to be used. This utilizes size of data to be collected. The next process will be collecting the required data. The sampling frame desirable for the study is that which will involve identification and measure of every single item in the population of interest. The sampling frame will include identification of every single element and include any in the sample. The method of sampling used in the process will be systematic random sampling. The method is chosen as it will be able to cover all aspects in the chosen population. This is the value that occupies the middle position when all data obtained are arranged in ascending order or descending order. The main disadvantage in the use of median is that it is not affected by very big or small values. The disadvantage of the method is that it takes a long time to compute when dealing with large sets of data (Fitzgerald, 2002). It does not also use all data available in a sample. Mode is the data occurring most frequently in the data. The advantage of the method is that it is the only measure that can be used for data measure in the normal scale. The disadvantage of the method is that is not used in statistical analysis as it is not algebraic defined. Mean is the average number of a data set. The data method has the advantage of using all the data to find the answer. The advantage of using the method is that very large or small numbers are able to distort the answer obtained. Management information is important in organizations as it is used in all the stages of an organization, planning, directing and controlling organizations. In strategic management stage, management information systems are used in

Friday, September 27, 2019

Families in society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Families in society - Essay Example In today’s generation, the ideal family structure of two parents, father solely being the breadwinner and two to three children has drastically changed. Nowadays, especially in the United States, we come across all types of families; single parent; both working parents, no children by choice, multiple parents etc (Kesner & McKenry, 2001). The fact that both parents have started to work, children are neglected in comparison to the attention they received in previous times. Since a mother is putting the same amount of time at the workplace as the father, she thinks her additional responsibility at home should also be shared. But fathers usually do not like the idea of getting involved in domestic housing issues. Another problem suffered is the amount of stress which an individual goes through besides his normal hectic work routine. This fatigue is somewhat passed on, in some way or the other, to the entire family. Besides structural composition, the basic diversity of US based f amilies has also changed. For instance, more of gay and lesbian families have come into existence since late. But such family dynamics are strictly opposed by traditional religious groups. Some of the most common family problems are discussed in this section. For instance, US is a country which has the most number of people behind bars. Therefore, families of such prisoners suffer badly as kids are deprived of their fathers’ support, while wives also dearly miss their respective partners. Another common issue is the negative impact on kids due to constant rifts between married partners. Frustration gathered from the workplace also has a role to play in such activities. Due to such parental fights, kids start to lose confidence and trust in both parents (Leroy & Symes, 2001). After reading the whole article I concur with most of the facts mentioned about family life, with some

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Positioning of Designer Clothing Brands in UK Market Assignment

Positioning of Designer Clothing Brands in UK Market - Assignment Example LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton posted a 2005 revenue rise to 13.90 or 9.57 billion from the previous year's 12.48. Next, in September 92006) reported as first half pre-tax profits of 1.519 billion, 45 percent coming online. Gucci, under the Paris-based PPR SA that also houses Yves Saint Laurent, Fnac and Surcouf, is included in the report of PPR SA with a 2006 July-September revenue of 4.26 billion or $5.35 billion (AP, 2006). British, UK or London fashion have always been set apart despite the forces of non-UK brands, specifically European or American, and segmentation has actually been categorised as: McFashion, UK or London style, international superbrands, and the micro markets (Priest, 2005). Coined by Lee (2003) after the McDonald marketing phenomenon of uniformity and predictability, McFashion has been classified as disposable, quick fix international fashion, trendy, and affordable by the mass market. Other qualities of McFashion may include star qualities that shine and busts in a short period, or those which fill high street cheap chic stores working to formulas. These had been described as the speedy trickle down version of high couture exemplified by celebrities that are replicated, but not exactly copied to give room for versatility, in a matter of ten minutes (Lee, 2003, and Jackson, 2006). Brands of this nature include items that are found and purchased at Gap, H & M, Zara, Marks and Spence r, Arcadia group, Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury, Primark and New Look (Priest, 2005). International superbrands include designer brands that are familiar in most major cities of the world that include Giorgio Armani, Yves Saint Laurent, Gucci, Guess, Burberry, Louis Vuitton, and Veneta Bottega, Chanel, among others and are at the opposite side of the polarised UK market. As couture is the word, it has been suggested to be incorporated with designer label (Priest, 2005) with the message that the label is critical, super-luxury, rarity and quality. Despite its characteristics, these designer labels remain big business with high stakes as influenced by class, film and music stars, sports personalities and everything glamour. Driven by the media circus, couture and ready-to-wear shows, international houses acknowledge of limited loyal customers, barely 200 with majority of sales as wedding dresses (Priest, 2005). Mintel reported that UK men and women spent 1.4 billion on these items in 2002 yet its value kept rising up to 40 percent with prices at premium. Women accounted for 57 percent of purchase. Interestingly, rarity on designer labels is slowly if not yet phased out as Tim Jackson (2002) from the London College of fashion quoted foremost names in fashion superlabels Tom Ford of PPR acknowledging globalisation as inevitable, John Marc Simon of Comite Colbert and Daniel Triboulliard specify China, Taiwan and Korea as the major destinations of the majority of luxury labels. In these instances, acceleration of new wealth in new markets as well as the global fusion of what people and consumers watch on their movies, television and media emerged as the driving forces as growth is the main target of all major designer houses. Likewise, higher level of taste, education and worldliness as a result of education, travel and growing sophistication are the other forces that define new middle market customers that are ready to pay for premium, well-designed

The Relationship between Animal Abuse and Human Abuse Essay

The Relationship between Animal Abuse and Human Abuse - Essay Example Abuse to animals is a horrible crime that ultimately touches us all, both as a society and as individuals. It is a documented fact that many serial killers began their life of violent crime by abusing animals. The evidence is in - it can no longer be denied: There is a connection between animal abuse and violent acts against humans such as domestic violence, elder abuse, child abuse and murder. Recent research has indicated that animal abuse and other forms of family violence often co-occur. Further, a child's violence towards animals is an indicator of potential future violence towards people Given these links, human and animal welfare organizations are beginning to work together to better detect and prevent violence towards both animals and people. In some parts of the U.S. these initiatives have been incorporated into the legal framework. Partello (1997) found that pets fill a variety of human needs, from acting as child substitutes, to providing companionship and unconditional love. These companion animals no longer live in barns and kennels but are an integral part of the human family. Ironically, this means that they suffer at the hands of abusers, just as children do. In a study by DeViney, Dickert, and Lockwood (1983) it was found that companion animals were abused in 88% of the families in which children were abused. Because abuse of animals by children invariably signals great distress, parents and other significant adults need to be informed that certain forms and/or patterns of cruelty should not be dismissed as typical childhood actions. You will note that cruelty to animals can be a sign of conduct disorder, and hurting animals is considered one of the earliest reported symptoms. A child's cruelty toward another animal can be an attempt to gain control over a creature that is smaller and weaker and may be the only way the child can feel powerful. It may reflect a desire to inflict pain or be a displacement of hostility. A child experiencing brutalization may also act on it towards animals. It is imperative that social workers, teachers, administrators, and psychologists become aware of animal abuse and its relationship to human violence so that they can design appropriate prevention and intervention programs. Primary prevention may focus on educational programs that protect children with clear guidelines for acceptable behavior with animals. Because abuse of animals by children invariably signals great distress, parents and other significant adults need to be informed that certain forms and/or patterns of cruelty should 4 not be dismissed as typical childhood actions. I. Animal Abuse Expands into Human Abuse Carpenter (2006) for those

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Stylistic arangements of experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Stylistic arangements of experience - Essay Example As the plot progresses the reader experiences a sort of tension and a feeling of horror because of the peculiar narrative style of the writer. Unlike the science fiction works of his contemporaries, Lovecraft narrates the experiences of his characters with a staunch sense of realism, both physical and psychological. The reader is made to feel the freezing coldness of the Antarctic region in his/her veins. In the same way, the famous painting ‘Isle of the Dead’ by Swiss artist Arnold Bocklin has evoked similar responses in the viewer that Mark Robson drew the inspiration for his film from this artistic work. Style is a distinctive manner or technique by which something is done, created, or performed. The style and technique by which Lovecraft, Arnold Bocklin, and Mark Robson produced their respective novella, painting, and film exemplify their unique manner and craftsmanship which paved new ways for creativity. The novel is considered as the most ubiquitous of all forms o f literature. Robert Silverberg states, â€Å"The novella is one of the richest and most rewarding of literary allows for more extended development of theme and character than does the short story, without making the elaborate structural demands of the full-length book. Thus it provides an intense, detailed exploration of its subject, providing to some degree both the concentrated focus of the short story and the broad scope of the novel.† (Robert Silverberg 2000). â€Å"At the Mountains of Madness† is a novella of terror based on geological expedition to unearth an unprecedented amount of scientific material; especially in the pre-Cambrian strata. The exploration is aimed at unraveling the primal life history in the realms of ice covered Antarctic continent. The expedition from Miskatonic University through the barren, wind-swept interior of the Antarctic plateau remains lifeless. On the contrary, they encounter strange fossils of unheard creatures, carved stones, and

Monday, September 23, 2019

Social Network Website Design & Justification 2 Assignment

Social Network Website Design & Justification 2 - Assignment Example As it is clear, the user is captivated by the message at the top. They will feel compelled to be part of life savers. After the user is assured that the signup process is simple, it should follow this and be simple as suggested. On clicking link that will lead them to the signup stage, the client should have a good and simple experience in the signup. This should be shown by the way the signup process takes place. As can be seen in figure 2, the sign up process is simple and does not take much of the time. It does not require a lot of details from the client. Just simple facts that is required in the SignUp process. There should also be use of attractive design objects. Most young users like flashy and attractive sites. They are attracted to things that are beautiful. This could be in the beginning of the web page. In figure 3, there is an addition of some graphics that will captivate the user into signing up for the service. By the use the dove, the user will have a feeling that it is for a good cause. The use of the dove has found prominence in religious procedures to signify sympathy and care. The wireframe shown in figure 4 shows a simple way of gramification. This figure shows how the web page can motivate someone to donate blood. Young social site users like such interesting things that will motivate them into registering and filling out the form. This page can be put in the beginning of the website. Another issue is that of giving simple links that are easy to find. This way, the user will not find it hard to get the link that will lead them to the site that they are to register. In figure 4, the user will click on the images in order to undertake the registration. In the design of the website, there is a need to include the various types of users and blood donors. From figure 5, the users have been categorized so that it is easier to categorize users in regard to the frequency in which they visit the site. It follows a simple design structure

Sunday, September 22, 2019

How does the weather from a meteorologist stand point affect playing Essay

How does the weather from a meteorologist stand point affect playing football - Essay Example When making football predictions people usually take into consideration factors such as history, temporary form of team, statistics, suspended and injured players. However, they rarely check the weather, a factor that is often overlooked but can greatly influence the football matches outcome. Weather conditions not only affect individual players, but also affect the condition of the football pitch and this can affect players’ performance (Wesson, 2002). A particular weather condition affects how players play, how they pass, as well as their ability to determine how effective certain tactics are within that system. True professionals in football clubs are aware of the importance of weather. This explains the reason why most of major football clubs hire the services of professional meteorologists to obtain the most accurate information regarding the conditions on the time and day of the game (American Football Coaches Association, 2002). This paper will discuss how the weather f rom a meteorologist standpoint affects playing football. One of the most common weather situations in football is the rainy weather. This situation makes the football ground more slippery and may cause the ball to move faster and to slide. However, this condition may be perfect for teams who like quick movements with many tactics and short passes (Hyde, 2009). If the rain becomes quite strong or continues for a long time, the pitch will be over flooded and this will disrupt passes and slow down the ball. This is especially true for matches that are played on fields with poor drainage system and which are not able to keep the ground in perfect condition. Since such conditions makes heavy tackles inevitable, they tend to favor teams with better physical shape (Biskup, 2010). It is for this reason that it is critical for meteorologists to examine whether it will rain, and how much rain is expected. In rainy conditions, football pitch is likely to be slippery and this can have a major i mpact on the number of goals that can be scored in a given match. Rain will not only impede safe capture of the ball by the goalkeeper, but also will reduce the ball’s visibility in the long shots (Hurley, 2013). The second most common weather situation in football is the windy weather. Wind affects any sport that involves flying objects in an open place. Strong wind can affect teams who prefer playing with long passes because it changes the ball’s movement and players must take into consideration the direction of the wind. Strong winds may impact playing conditions, with throwing and kicking becoming especially hard (Wesson, 2002). Unlike other weather conditions, wind tends to affect both teams equally; it is considered to be an equal-opportunity hazard. It causes players to have more runs and this means less overall plays because plays use more time. As a result, there are less field goal attempts due to reduced passing effectiveness. Also, the winds have an impact on the fans attending a football match (Guy and Sang, 2009). Besides, football fans enjoying tailgating have to make sure that all their personal items are securely held down, or risk having them being blown away. However, it should be noted that that the effect of wind on playing football is prominent only in significantly windy conditions that exceed 15 mph. In addition, temperature is a weather

Saturday, September 21, 2019

IPSec Architecture Essay Example for Free

IPSec Architecture Essay IPSec is a collection of protocols tied together to apply it’s potential as specified in the IPSec Architecture. It is necessary to comprehend the relationships and interaction of these protocols. Along with the design of the IPSec Architecture, various security documents like ESP ( Encapsulating Security Protocol) , AH (Authentication Header) and Antireply protection defines the protocol, the payload header format, and the services they provide. IPSec works by enabling a system to select its own security protocol, algorithms and cryptographic keys as required by the services. Versatile, it can protect multiple â€Å"paths† between hosts, security gateways or between host and security gateway. Security services provided by IPSec at the IP Layer are access control, connectionless integrity, data origin, and authentication, rejection of replayed packets, encryption, and limited traffic flow confidentiality. While services are provided in the IP layer, protocols like TCP, UDP, ICMP, BGP, and other IP based protocols can take advantage of IPSec. The better understand the relationship of between Protocols and Algorithms in the IPsec Architecture: The standard algorithm is placed to initiate interoperability in the Internet and combine with IPSec Traffic Protection and Key Management protocols allow systems and application developers to install superior, internet layer, cryptographic security technology. References: Doraswamy N, Harkins D. , (n. d. ), â€Å"IPSec Architecture†, Chapter 4 of IPSec- The New Security Standard for the Internet, Intranets and Virtual Private Networks (Prentice Hall), [online], http://www. microsoft. com/technet/itsolutions/network/security/ipsecarc. mspx Javvin Network Management and Security, (n. d. ), â€Å"IPSec : Security Architecture for IP Network†, [online], http://www. javvin. com/protocolIPsec. html.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Psychological Theories for OCD

Psychological Theories for OCD Sana Akram PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES FOR THE ANALYSIS OF OCD Psychological Perspective Key characteristics of the perspective used to explain the cause of obsessive compulsive disorder Analysis of the Perspective to effectively explain the cause of obsessive compulsive disorder 1. Psychodynamic perspective Freud’s theory: The inner self (the consciousness, level-headed personality) of patients with OCD is disturbed by their obsessions and impulses, and this leads them to utilize conscience guard components including fixing, and response development. Freud contended that OCD is connected to the anal-centric phase of an individual’s development, which happens at around 2 years old, on the grounds that amid this stage youngsters are toilet prepared. Defence psychological responses, isolation: Any connection between potty training and OCD is only that, an affiliation, so we cant build up causation and we cant say that latrine preparing causes OCD. Rather there could be different elements, for example personality trait, that influence both potty training and OCD. A noteworthy clash inside of the kid between needing to soil his or her garments and needing to hold dung can happen if parents are excessively cruel and make the kid feel grimy and embarrassed. The infant might intentionally soil his or her clothes as a demonstration of defiance. This debate over cleanliness can prompt OCD. Freud (1949, see A2 Level Psychology page 530) 2. Biological perspective Abnormal brain functioning: There is some kind of irregularity in the neurotransmitter serotonin, among other understandable mental or instinctive anomalies; then again, it is conceivable that this movement is the cerebrums reaction to OCD, and not its cause. Serotonin is thought to have a part in controlling uneasiness; This neurotransmitter goes starting with one nerve cell then onto the next through neural connections. With a specific end goal to send compound messages, serotonin must tie to the receptor locales situated on the nerve cell. It is theorized that OCD sufferers may have blocked or harmed receptor locales that keep serotonin from working to its maximum capacity. Abnormalities in brain areas: Various studies have shown irregular cerebrum working in people with OCD (Saxena, Brody, Schawtrz Lewis, 1998). These studies have recognized over activity in the limbic framework. The basal ganglia set the bodys gauge excitement and smother regulation of engine development. Over activity around there is related with the physical impressions of tension, shirking propensities and tics. 3. Behavioural Perspective Classic conditioning, operant conditioning: As per the behavioural clarification, fear in people with fixations and impulses is activated by apprehension connected with boosts (e.g. unwashed hands, obsessional contemplations) that are unrealistic to bring about genuine mischief. The habitual ceremonies (e.g. hand washing) diminish trepidation thus this conduct is strengthened or remunerated by apprehension diminishment. Face and investigative legitimacy: The hypothesis that the enthusiastic ceremonies decrease tension divines well (face legitimacy) and is reinforced by confirmation (exploratory legitimacy). Nature versus sustain: Behavioural clarifications represent support, as per these, conduct is exclusively a result of adapting as we are conceived as a clear slate. They disregard nature, which is a critical shortcoming as the developmental clarification recommends certain boosts are more inclined to be adapted than others. 4. Cognitive Perspective Impaired information process, irrational fear: As indicated by the intellectual viewpoint, OCD patients have an expanded feeling of moral obligation thus get a handle on they must convey their urgent ceremonies to maintain a strategic distance from unfriendly results, and this is their key psychological mistake. Salkovskis (1996, see A2 Level Psychology page 532) clarifies the impulses are in light of intellectual intervals. The need to be free of distress and anxiety by performing same task again and again Face and exploratory acceptability: Patients with OCD do have the flawed discernments regularly encompassing their feeling of moral obligation so this clarification bodes well (face legitimacy). It is likewise upheld by exact proof and in this manner has exploratory legitimacy. The completing of the enthusiastic events imply that OCD patients never get the chance to test out their flawed thinking and acknowledge there is not a critical outcome in the event that they commit an error. Psychological Perspective Brief description of study( offered to support the perspectives explanation for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Evaluation of the methods of data gathering used by each perspective 1. Behavioural Perspective Hypothesis provided by Mowrer which was backed by Rachman and Hodgson Mowrer (1947, see A2 Level Psychology page 531) added to a two-procedure hypothesis: the first process includes traditional moulding whereby an unbiased traumas gets to be connected with devastating cogitations or encounters and this prompts the improvement of nervousness, e.g. partner shaking hands with contamination. The other process includes operant moulding whereby the individual finds that the uneasiness is lessened by certain behaviour, thus this turns into the compulsion. Rachman and Hodgson 1980 A2 Level Psychology page 531) give backing to Mowrers hypothesis. They found that when patients with OCD were presented to circumstances setting off their fixations this did result in an abnormal state of anxiety and nervousness and when they performed their enthusiastic customs, this diminished their tension. Naturalistic research approach: The research methodology taken place is naturalistic, the scientists compare the subject’s behaviour pattern with the general population, and the tools used were keen observation then were given a form of hypothesis. (Shaughnessy, J. J., Zechmeister, E. B. (1985).Research methods in psychology. Alfred) 2. Cognitive Perspective Researches done by Buttolph and Holland: Buttolph and Holland (1990) found that 69% of female patients with obsessive compulsiveness had the onset or intensifying of side effects amid pregnancy or labour, which is steady with the expanded feeling of identity hypothesis on the grounds that unmistakably the conception of a kid is a huge obligation regarding the prosperity of their youngster. Neziroglu et al (1992, see A2 Level Psychology page 532) found that 39% of female patients with over the top impulsive issue with youngsters reported an onset of the issue amid pregnancy. Tallis (1995 A2 Level Psychology page 532) discusses the feeling of moral obligation clarification in light of the fact that, if this was the main variable included in obsessive compulsive issue, numerous more individuals would experience the ill effects of it. Abramowitzs audit 2006 A2 Level Psychology page 532) of the flawed comprehensions demonstrated by obsessive compulsions additionally underpins the misrepresented feeling of moral obligation clarification on the grounds that such intellectual lapses incorporate the conviction that musings can help to bring about occasions called thought–action combination. Quantitative research methodology along with case studies/ cases history: The research methodologies used in the theories and hypothesis were case studies, mostly among female patients going through pregnancy, the hypothesis were made on the grounds that for new mothers children are a huge responsibility which can be a trigger for OCD in those patients. These case studies were done among several pregnant females and the percentage was taken out. The other research method applied was Experimental research method in which one is a dependent and other is an independent variable. INTRODUCTION In this case study, we need to assess the psychological perspectives and evaluate the influence of such perspectives on the subject. The subject who is now recovered, seems to have a terrible experience from this disorder, the psychological perspectives may be behavioural perspective, cognitive, psychodynamic or even biological. In this essay, we will discuss the contributing factors from a psychological point of view. There are certain theories that evaluate the main causes of OCD, but the fact that the reasons vary from person to person make it difficult to be diagnosed and treated. From the biological perspective, it is easier for the disorder to be subsided, but that is not a successful solution in all cases. DISCUSSION OCD is likely a heterogeneous disorder, and different modalities of treatment have been discovered to be successful in enhancing OCD indications to differing degree. These incorporate pharmacotherapy, subjective conduct treatment, electro-convulsive treatment, and psychosurgery. By and large psychotherapy alone is not powerful, but rather mental backing for the OCD patient and his family is critical. (American Psychiatric Association 2000). Individual components of OCD may have imperative ramifications for treatment arranging as far as consistence, reaction to treatment and elements that fuel or diminish indications (AACAP, 1998). Mellow fixations or impulses that are not the wellspring of significant trouble or weakness may warrant observing over the long haul without the start of particular treatment (AACAP). In the event that such fixations or impulses are identified with outer or formative stressors, psychotherapy or other psychosocial mediations focused to these stressors may be valuable. In this case, the patient has mentioned about the Cognitive treatment, and that she felt better with it means it was progressive; however, the cognitive treatment is a kind of talking treatment, in which the thoughts, behaviour, thinking can affect the power of dealing with certain problems. Since, the patient showed improvement with CBT that makes it a reason of one of the causing factors of the patient’s OCD. The patient here complains about having horrendous thoughts of killing her children that had led her to the compulsiveness of sealing the bag which contained cords that can be used to strangle her own children, so the cognition here is affected, leading to behavioural problems, the CBT is different than the conventional talking session with the psychiatrist because the professionals can utilize a wide range of tools to improve the condition of the patient, these tools may include motivating and helping the patient to identify the wrong and right practices and suppressio n of the wrong thoughts, moreover, the psychiatrist may help the patient to learn about different relaxation techniques that can help her to relax when such thoughts arise. Diane further adds that she doesn’t have the traditional OCD symptom i.e. she was not a cleanliness freak, but her OCD did take an evil approach when her cognition, her thoughts pattern started to derail and she feared herself that she might be dangerous for her children, we can conclude that the thoughts she experienced might be a result of her early pregnancy when she was anxious that she is going to be a parent which is going to be a highly responsible job, this might have led her to the derailment of rational thoughts. Moreover, Diane also gives detail of her early experience that she used to fear the fact that if she didn’t follow her daily ritual something bad might happen to her parents, this tells about her behavioural pattern, and the theories of punishment and rewards apply here. The biological perspective also plays an important role here; Diane explains that she was under anti-depressants which had made her calm and easy. So the theory of biological perspective applies here, we can conclude that she must be going through the misbalance of chemical neurotransmitters. Kobak, K., Taylor, L., Bystritsky, A., Kohlenberg, C., Greist, J., Tucker, P., et al. (2005) Her details reflect that she was prescribed sedative hypnotics to calm her down and help her sleep, which is also a muscle relaxant. Other than sedatives, SSRIs (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) (Abramowitz, 1997) are the most widely used anti-depressants must have been given to her for her complete therapy. Furthermore, for the treatment of her delusive thoughts and psychosis, she must have been kept under haloperidol, which is a highly effective drug. Buttolph and Holland (1990) The theories suggest that the OCD and other mental disorders are inherited; here Diane explains that her eldest child is also under the same practice as his/her mother, this explains the biological and genetic perspective of OCD. (Barrett, P. Shortt, A. Healy 2002) The eldest child of the subject who is showing few symptoms of OCD, this can be related to another psychodynamic perspective, the child may have been attached to the mother, as a result of which the child must have received the same habits as her. Sigmund Freud psychoanalysis suggests that the first stage of OCD is the outcome of behaviour of the parents that brings the sense of guilt and punishment if the particular task is not done. There are various causes of OCD and various therapies that should be kept in mind when dealing with such patient, till date, no accurate therapy has come to existence that would eradicate this disorder. The treatment of OCD varies from person to person; the psychological perspectives play a vital role in diagnosis and give a clue about how it should be treated. CONCLUSION In spite of the fact that the examination to date has tended to numerous basic issues in the treatment of OCD, critical points still require further study. Case in point, a treatment program that incorporates preparing relatives about OCD, its treatment, and how to adequately help with a friend or family members treatment would be valuable, given the high predominance of social issues in families of OCD patients. Inspiration to start treatment, particularly given the uneasiness bringing out nature of ERP, is regularly an issue. In these way availability programs, in which patients read case histories or examine treatment with previous patients, may diminish refusal rates and build treatment consistence. From the clinicians viewpoint, giving effective ERP can be a test, and not very many focuses offer the preparation expected to wind up capable in these strategies. Hence, improvement of projects for brain science and psychiatry students may likewise enhance access to this powerful tre atment. REFERENCES Abramowitz, J. S. (1997). Effectiveness of psychological and pharmacological treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder: a quantitative review of the controlled treatment literature. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65, 44–52. Abramowitz, J. S., Moore, K. M., Carmine, C., Wiegartz, P., Purdon, C. (2001). Obsessive compulsive disorder in males following childbirth. Psychosomatics, 42, 429–431. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 35 (3), 333-342. American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th Barrett, P., Shortt, A., Healy, L. (2002). Do parent and child behaviors differentiate families whose children have obsessive-compulsive disorder from other clinic and non-clinic families? Journal of Child Broocks, A., Briggs, N. C., Piggott, T. A., Hill, J. L., Canter, S. K., Tolliver, T. J., Murphy, D. L. (1997). Behavioural, physiological and neuroendocrine responses in healthy volunteers to m-chlorophenylpiperazine (m-CPP) with and without ondansetron pre-treatment.  Psychopharmacology,130(2), 91-103. Kobak, K., Taylor, L., Bystritsky, A., Kohlberg, C., Greist, J., Tucker, P., et al. (2005) March, J., Mulle, K., Herbel, B. (1994). Behavioral psychotherapy for children and adolescents with Miller, D., Slater, D. (2000). The internet: An ethnographic approach. New York:Berg. Neziroglu, F., McKay, D., Yaryura-Tobias, J. A. (2000). Overlapping and distinctive features of hypochondriasis and obsessive–compulsive disorder. Journal of anxiety disorders,14(6), 603-614. Rode, S., Salkovskis, P. M., Jack, T. (2001). An experimental study of attention, labelling and memory in people suffering from chronic pain.  Pain, 94(2), 193-203. Saxena, S., Brody, A. L., Schwartz, J. M., Baxter, L. R. (1998). Neuroimaging and frontal-subcortical circuitry in obsessive-compulsive disorder.  The British Journal of Psychiatry. Shaughnessy, J. J., Zechmeister, E. B. (1985).  Research methods in psychology. Alfred A. Knopf.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

rebeldol Essay on Nora’s Rebellion in Ibsens A Dolls House

Nora’s Rebellion in A Doll’s House  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The central theme of A Doll’s House is Nora’s rebellion against society and everything that was expected of her. Nora shows this by breaking away from all the standards and expectations her husband and society had set up for her. In her time women weren’t supposed to be independent. They were to support their husbands, take care of the children, cook, clean, and make everything perfect around the house. Nora’s first rebellion was when she took out a loan so that she could pay for her husband, Torvalds medical treatment. It was against the law for women to take out a loan without their husbands consent. When she did this she proved that she wasn’t as submissive and helpless as Torvald thought she was. He called her a "poor helpless little creature". A perfect example of Torvalds control and Nora’s submissiveness was when she got him to re-teach her the tarantella. She already knew the dance but she acted as if she needed him to re-teach her the whole thing. When he says to her "Watching you swing and dance the tarantella makes my bloo... rebeldol Essay on Nora’s Rebellion in Ibsen's A Doll's House Nora’s Rebellion in A Doll’s House  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The central theme of A Doll’s House is Nora’s rebellion against society and everything that was expected of her. Nora shows this by breaking away from all the standards and expectations her husband and society had set up for her. In her time women weren’t supposed to be independent. They were to support their husbands, take care of the children, cook, clean, and make everything perfect around the house. Nora’s first rebellion was when she took out a loan so that she could pay for her husband, Torvalds medical treatment. It was against the law for women to take out a loan without their husbands consent. When she did this she proved that she wasn’t as submissive and helpless as Torvald thought she was. He called her a "poor helpless little creature". A perfect example of Torvalds control and Nora’s submissiveness was when she got him to re-teach her the tarantella. She already knew the dance but she acted as if she needed him to re-teach her the whole thing. When he says to her "Watching you swing and dance the tarantella makes my bloo...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Argumentative Essay: Violent Video Games Contribute to Youth Violence

Our nation has changed over the years. There is no question about that. The generation that my grandfather grew up in during the 1930’s and 1940’s has often been called â€Å"The Greatest Generation† (Brokaw). Why is my generation not talked about for our inventions and advances in technology? Maybe that the downfall of our generation has been the media and the influence it has on the public? There is no doubt that the media can spin a story into a shocking and scary account produced solely on the intent to sell. This information force-fed to the public can cause fear and hatred to develop within our country and result in gun violence and bloodshed. One reason for the amount of youth violence in America is the violent content in many video games. The average adolescent spends a major part of the normal week watching or interacting with some form of the media’s products. Video games are one of these media based mediums and have become increasingly popular since the 1980’s. According to a report in Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, "Female gamers spent an average of 44 minutes playing on the weekdays and one hour and four minutes playing on the weekends, and male gamers spent an average of 58 minutes playing on the weekdays and one hour and 37 minutes playing on the weekends" ("Video Game Play Among Adolescents"). What can we understand from this evidence? The fact is that adolescents, male or female, are spending tremendous amounts of time each day sitting in front of a screen with a controller in hand. Although there is little evidence to conclude that violence in video games directly leads to adolescent gun violence, there are proven studies that show increased levels of anger and aggression in the human brain when... ...Federal Trade Commission. â€Å"Results of Nationwide Undercover Survey Released.† Oct. 2003. Mar. 2008. JAMA and Archives Journals. "Study Examines Video Game Play Among Adolescents." ScienceDaily 4 July 2007. 19 March 2008 . Kleck, Gary. â€Å"Targeting Firearms.† Aldine de Gruyter. 1997, pp. 94, 98-100 Mathews, Vincent.†Violent Video Games Poison the Teenage Brain: Study.† American School Board Journal. Feb2007, Vol. 194 Issue 2, p10-10 Norcia, Andrea. "The Impact of Video Games on Children." Palo Alto Medical Foundation Apr 2007 20 Mar 2008 . â€Å"Violent Video Games – Psychologists Help Protect Children from Harmful Effects.† Psychology Matters. Mar. 2008 Woodard, E.H. & Gridina, N. â€Å"Media in the Home 2000, The fifth annual survey of parents and children.† The Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, PA. Feb 2001. 20 Mar 2008 .

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Monkey and His Mother :: Personal Narrative Homeless Papers

The Monkey and His Mother My mother is always suspicious of panhandlers. She used to pull me closer whenever we'd encounter a begging homeless person on the subway and drop her eyes, focusing on the stray paper and chewing-gum medallions--blackened with soot of the city--that decorated the floor. She and my father frequently describe seeing a homeless man who begs in our neighborhood (claiming to have AIDS, and afflicted with a multitude of painful-looking sores) walking down a street near our house, dapper in a dark business suit, his face free of the blemishes that had covered his skin on other occasions. My father, also a self-professed cynic, believes in an inherent selfishness that motivates most human actions. "The tribal impulse is very strong," he says with a wry smile, as he gestures toward a newspaper article about nationalistic conflict. "People look out for their own interests." When I asked him about his experiences living through the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam war, I found that his involvement with each was limited--he vocalized support for the ideals of the former, and by 1969, disdain for the strategic incompetence represented by the latter--as he was occupied by his studies, and the desire to begin his career. My parents' cynicism spares no one. I remember my father's delight upon reading the book review for Christopher Hitchens's criticism of Mother Theresa, Missionary Position, Theory and Practice, in 1995. In the book, Hitchens cites Mother Theresa's apparently numerous, and highly self-interested exhibitions of decidedly unsaintly behavior. He describes her enormous--and entirely unaudited--wealth (Hitchens estimates one $50 million bank account to be only a "small portion" of her fortune) which she consciously kept outside of India--where she did most of her work--because the Indian government requires disclosure of foreign missionary funds. According to Hitchens, Mother Theresa received money from some dubious donors, including Savings and Loan swindler Charles Keating. Even despite her hefty fortune, the book asserts, Mother Theresa's treatment of the terminally ill was primitive and often completely ineffective. My father seized upon this exposition as a triumph of what he'd always known: no person should be considered angelic--most of us are equal parts good and evil, and, like most living creatures, we will all act on our own behalves most of the time. Neither I--a third-rate Mother Theresa at best--nor my sister was safe from the slings and arrows of my parents' pessimistic world-view.

Chaim Potok’s My Name Is Asher Lev Novel Analysis

Chaim Potok's Asher Lev is a dual being trapped inside a little boy. On one side there is the family's beliefs, the religious traditions and his great ancestor role-model, who Asher is expected to take after, if not surpass. On the other, there is art encompassing the artist's emotions and portraying them in form more beautiful than anything else Asher has access to. These sides clash almost throughout â€Å"My Name is Asher Lev†, but even though those close to him teach, reinforce and often force religion and traditions on to him, art eventually prevails.Asher does not make the inevitable choice alone and even then there is no single choice to make. Instead, he squirms around the issue until his personality is fully formed with the help of the people around him, specifically, his mother and father, his mentor Jacob Kahn. The personality that he does form seems to be the best of both worlds in a world where dualism rules all. The first agent of change in Asher was his mother. Throughout the novel, she did her best to stay between her husband and her son, but still enforce Asher's abilities.If not for her interest and love towards Asher's drawings as well as their trips to the museum and her buying most of the art supplies, Asher would not have had the support he needed to go on instead of giving in to his heritage. Not only that, but Rivkeh was also Asher's muse. She was often the focus of most of his artwork, even being the centerpiece in his (for now) magnum opus – the two paintings of the crucifixion. In addition, she also gave Asher something to reach for: â€Å"You should make the world pretty, Asher† (Potok, 30), because at that time, Asher's drawings were the only beauty Rivkeh saw in life.Possibly the most obvious push for Asher was Jacob Kahn. Not only an art mentor, Kahn also shared his philosophy and views of religion. However, Asher took only the techniques to heart. He understood and acknowledged Kahn's viewpoint, but his silen ce during most of their discussions did not seem to be of a thoughtful nature. In the long run, Kahn did not seem to have much impact on the boy's morality and he soon started focusing more and more on producing art instead of religious meditation.Asher was not only influenced by Kahn's philosophy, but was also exposed to a world previously unknown to him: â€Å"Asher Lev, you are entering the wrong world† (Potok, 184). Asher did not take to the new world. He was a spirit, existing in the artists' world, but not being part of it. He was his own man, the same as his philosophy was his own, if a mix of the ones he's been exposed to and the ones which he acknowledged as being true. An unlikely force of change was Asher's father – Aryeh. Throughout the novel, he was nothing short of an impenetrable wall for Asher's ambition.Only a few glimmers of hope came up, when it seemed like he would be willing to accept his son's gift or, at least tolerate it, but something always ca me up between them and their relationship fell back to where it was or often even further. At the beginning of the story, it seemed like Aryeh's distaste and disapproval of Asher's drawings would be a forbidden fruit for the boy and actually make him want to evolve his gift further, but that was not the case. Every time his father scolded him, Asher compared his abilities with something that he perceived to come from the Other side, or abhorrent.However, Aryeh has a special role in the novel and that is comparison with a hint of hypocrisy. The reader first found out that Aryeh worked in an office arranging something on the telephone, often in another language. It later became apparent that Aryeh hated what he did and wished he could be out there, physically talking to people and helping them that way, instead of crammed up in an office building: â€Å"I should be there, not here. How can I spend my life talking on the telephone? Who can sit like this all day? (Potok, 29). It was al so made clear that he took the job upon request from the Rebbe. In fact, most of the family's important future decisions were made by the Rebbe. Where Aryeh's and Asher's situations start to seem familiar is that both men were doing something they loathed on the account of the Rebbe (as well as most people, in Asher's case). They both were expected to serve the Ribono Shel Olom in the way they were prescribed to and they both disliked it, wishing they could act upon their true calling.The difference lies in the fact that Aryeh was eventually allowed to act on his wish at the price of hurting his family by being so far away, while Asher hurt his family by disobeying their wishes and in most cases, being near. Asher does not make a complete transformation. Unlike what Aryeh believes, Asher does not seem like he will ever hang his kippah as he does still holds on to the traditions he has grown up with. His conflict was never with his beliefs but with what the ones closest to him percei ved a proper Jewish boy to be.Therefore, Asher does not leave his home without any regard to his faith. He accepts the Rebbe's wishes and does not hold any grudges; he simply does what the hierarchy demands, once more, not unlike when he was a child, leading to question whether Asher transformed at all. Asher Lev in Potok's novel My Name is Asher Lev does the impossible – he fused his religious beliefs and familial values with the artistic world of the Other side. He lives his life through his art by producing his deepest feelings onto canvas from the childish drawings of flowers, to his mother, to his painting of the crucifixion.The way he was taught and treated by those around him eventually shaped who he was, but instead of religion being a choice, it became an integral part and instead of art being a choice either, it turned into a goal. Asher never had a crippling choice to make, nor did he transform. He simply grew up with the values he was instill either by his family or by God and even though there were the few who pointed him in certain directions, he would never have turned out any different than he was.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Pada umumnya siswa-siswi

Latar BelakangPada umumnya siswa-siswi dalam proses belajar mengajar, memerlukan media pembelajaran yang tepat, guna membantu proses penyampaian informasi dan ilmu secara sempurna dalam berbagai mata pelajaran yang mereka dapatkan Dari guru dan fasilitator pendidikan lainnya. Karena siswa-siswi kerap saltwort kesulitan memahami mata pelajaran yang diajarkan. Selain itu guru dan fasilitator pendidikan juga kerap saltwort menggunakan media pembelajaran bagi siswa dalam membantu merealisasikan strategi pembelajaran siswa agar materi yang disampaikan dapat dipahami oleh parity peserta didik. Seiring dengan dibutuhkannya berbagai media pembelajaran dalam setiap mata pelajaran dalam hal ini dikhususkan pada bidang studi IPS, maka banyak bermunculan berbagai jenis dan macam media pembelajaran bagi parity peserta didik. Dari yang palng sederhana dan murah hingga yang canggih dan mahal. Ada yang dapat dibuat oleh guru sendiri dan adenosine deaminase yang diproduksi pabrik. Ada yang sudah tersedia di lingkungan untuk langsung dimanfaatkan dan adenosine deaminase yang sengaja dirancang. Hal tersebut sangatlah membantu peserta didik dan guru dalam rangka penyelenggaraan pendidikan. Oleh karena itu media pembelajaran dalam hal ini mata pelajaran IPS perlu di berdayakan, agar materi IPS yang disampaikan dapat dipahami dan dipergunakan dengan semestinya guna membantu proses belajar mengajar IPS.Identifikasi MasalahBagaimana pengaruh media pembelajaran terhadap proses penyelenggaraan pendidikan?Apakah manfaat media pembelajaran IPS yakni cyberspace dalam efektivitas proses penyelenggaraan pendidikan.Pembatasan MasalahMengingat masalah dalam media pembelajaran ruang lingkupnya sangatlah luas, maka penulis membatasi masalah mengenai media pembelajaran IPS yakni cyberspace dalam proses penyelenggaraan pendidikan.Perumusan MasalahBerdasarkan pembatasan masalah diatas maka penulis merumuskan sebagai berikut: Jenis dan macam media pembelajaran IPS Manfaat Media Pembelajaran IPS yakni cyberspace dalam proses penyelenggaraan pendidikanTujuan dan Manfaat PenulisanPada faktor eksternal, untuk diketahui oleh berbagai pihak yang terkait dengan penggunaan media pembelajaran IPS Pada faktor internal, untuk dapat memenuhi tugas pada mata kuliah † Pendidikan IPS †SISTEMATIKA PENULISANUntuk memudahkan mendapatkan gambaran yang jelas mengenai tugas mata kuliah â€Å" Pendidikan IPS † ini, maka penulis melakukan sistematika penulisan secara bitter cassava besar diuraikan sebagai berikut:BAB I PENDAHULUANPada bab ini diuraikan secara singkat mengenai latar belakang masalah, identifikasi masalah, pembatasan masalah, tujuan dan manfaat penelitian, dan sistematika penelitian.BAB II PEMBAHASANDalam bab ini diuraikan Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence tugas makalah â€Å" Pendidikan IPS † ini, yakni meliputi, Jenis dan macam-macam media pembelajaran IPS serta manfaat media pembelajaran tersebut.BAB III KESIMPULAN DAN SARANDalam bab ini merupakan kesimpulan dan saran yang diuraikan pada bab-bab sebelumnya yakni pada bab pendahuluan dan pembahasanBAB IIPEMBAHASANJenis dan Macam-macam Media PembelajaranSeiring dengan meningkatnya kebutuh an akan media pembelajaran yang menjembatani antara guru dan siswa dalam penyampaian materi pembelajaran khususnya mata pelajaran IPS, maka hadirlah berbagai jenis dan macam mrdia pembelajaran. Menurut Rudy Bretz ( 1971 ) menggolongkan media pembelajaran berdasarkan tiga unsur pokok ( suara, ocular dan gerak ) :Media soundMedia cetakMedia ocular diamMedia ocular gerakMedia sound semi gerakMedia ocular semi gerakMedia audio ocular diamMedia audio ocular gerakMenurutAnderson ( 1976 ) menggolongkan menjadi 10 media pembelajaran:Audio: Kaset sound, siaran wireless, Cadmium, teleponCetak: Buku pelajaran, modul, brosur, cusp, gambarAudio-cetak: Kaset sound yang dilengkapi bahan tertulisProyeksi ocular diam: Overhead transparansi ( OHT ) , movie bingkai ( slide )Proyeksi audio ocular diam: Film bingkai slide bersuaraOcular gerak: Film bisuAudio ocular gerak: Film gerak bersuara, Video/VCD, TelevisiObyek fisik: Benda nyata, theoretical account, spesimenManusia dan lingkungan: Guru, pustakaw an, laboranKomputer: InternetSchramm ( 1985 ) menggolongkan media pembelajaran berdasarkan kompleksnya suara, yaitu: media kompleks ( movie, Television, Video/VCD, ) dan media sederhana ( slide, sound, transparansi, teks ) . Selain itu menggolongkan media berdasarkan jangkauannya, yaitu media masal ( liputannya luas dan serentak / wireless, televisi ) , media kelompok ( liputannya seluas ruangan / kaset sound, picture, OHP, slide, dll ) , media single ( untuk perorangan / buku teks, telepon, Internet ) .Henrich, dkk menggolongkan:media yang tidak diproyeksikanmedia yang diproyeksikanmedia soundmedia picturemedia berbasis komputermulti media kit.Dalam hal ini media juga diklasifikasikan menjadi media ocular, media sound, dan media audio-visual.Media VisualMedia yang tidak diproyeksikan Media realita adalah benda nyata. Benda tersebut tidak harus dihadirkan di ruang kelas, tetapi siswa dapat melihat langsung ke obyek. Kelebihan dari media realia ini adalah dapat memberikan pengalaman nyata kepada siswa. Misal untuk mempelajari keanekaragaman makhluk hidup, klasifikasi makhluk hidup, ekosistem, dan organ tanaman. Model adalah benda tiruan dalam wujud tiga dimensi yang merupakan representasi atau pengganti Dari benda yang sesungguhnya. Penggunaan theoretical account untuk mengatasi kendala tertentu sebagai pengganti realia. Misal untuk mempelajari sistem gerak, pencernaan, pernafasan, peredaran darah, sistem ekskresi, dan syaraf pada hewan. Media grafis tergolong media ocular yang menyalurkan pesan melalui simbol-simbol ocular. Fungsi dari media grafis adalah menarik perhatian, memperjelas sajian pelajaran, dan mengilustrasikan suatu fakta atau konsep yang mudah terlupakan jika hanya dilakukan melalui penjelasan verbal. Jenis-jenis media grafis adalah:Gambar / foto: picket fence umum digunakanSketsa: gambar sederhana atau bill of exchange kasar yang melukiskan bagian pokok tanpa item. Dengan sketsa dapat menarik perhatian siswa, menghindarkan verbalisme, dan memperjelas pesan. Diagram / skema: gambar sederhana yang menggunakan bitter cassava dan simbol untuk menggambarkan struktur Dari obyek tertentu secara bitter cassava besar. Misal untuk mempelajari organisasi kehidupan Dari sel samapai organisme. Bagan / chart: menyajikan ide atau konsep yang sulit sehingga lebih mudah dicerna siswa. Selain itu bagan mampu memberikan ringkasan butir-butir penting Dari penyajian. Dalam bagan sering dijumpai bentuk grafis lain, seperti: gambar, diagram, kartun, atau lambang verbal. Grafik: gambar sederhana yang menggunakan bitter cassava, titik, simbol verbal atau bentuk tertentu yang menggambarkan informations kuantitatif. Misal untuk mempelajari pertumbuhan.Media proyeksiTransparansi OHP merupakan alat Bantu mengajar tatap muka sejati, sebab tata letak ruang kelas tetap seperti biasa, guru dapat bertatap muka dengan siswa ( tanpa harus membelakangi siswa ) . Perangkat media transparansi meliputi perangkat lunak ( Overhead transparancy / OHT ) dan perangkat Keras ( Overhead projector / OHP ) . Teknik pembuatan media transparansi, yaitu:Mengambil Dari bahan cetak dengan teknik tertentuMembuat sendiri secara manualFilm bingkai / slide adalah movie transparan yang umumnya berukuran 35 millimeter dan diberi bingkai 2X2 inci. Dalam satu paket berisi beberapa movie bingkai yang terpisah satu sama lain. Manfaat movie bingkai hampir sama dengan transparansi OHP, hanya kualitas ocular yang dihasilkan lebih bagus. Sedangkan kelemahannya adalah beaya produksi dan peralat an lebih mahal serta kurang praktis. Untuk menyajikan dibutuhkan proyektor slide.Media AudioRadioRadio merupakan perlengkapan elektronik yang dapat digunakan untuk mendengarkan berita yang bagus dan aktual, dapat mengetahui beberapa kejadian dan peristiwa-peristiwa penting dan baru, masalah-masalah kehidupan dan sebagainya. Radio dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran yang cukup efektif.Kaset-audioYang dibahas disini khusus kaset sound yang sering digunakan di sekolah. Keuntungannya adalah merupakan media yang ekonomis karena biaya pengadaan dan perawatan murah.Media Audio VisualMedia pictureMerupakan salat satu jenis media audio ocular, selain movie. Yang banyak dikembangkan untuk keperluan pembelajaran, biasa dikemas dalam bentuk VCD.Media komputerMedia ini memiliki semua kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh media lain. Selain mampu menampilkan teks, gerak, suara dan gambar, komputer juga dapat digunakan secara interaktif, bukan hanya searah. Bahkan komputer yang disambung dengan cybe rspace dapat memberikan keleluasaan belajar menembus ruang dan waktu serta menyediakan sumber belajar yang hampir tanpa Batas. Realitas empirik selama ini di tingkat persekolahan memperlihatkan, dalam proses pembelajaran IPS, guru IPS kurang optimum baik di dalam memanfaatkan maupun memberdayakan media pembelajaran, karena dalam proses pembelajaran IPS cenderung masih berpusat pada guru ( teacher centered ) , text edition centered, dan monomedia. Adalah tidak dapat dipersalahkan apabila banyak siswa mengganggap proses pembelajaran IPS sebagai sesuatu yang membosankan, monoton, kurang menyenangkan, terlalu banyak hafalan, kurang variatif, dan pelbagai keluhan lainnya. Padahal pendidikan IPS merupakan man-made scientific discipline, karena konsep, generalisasi, dan temuan-temuan penelitian ditentukan atau diobservasi setelah fakta terjadi. Informasi faktual tentang kehidupan sosial atau masalah-masalah kontemporer yang terjadi di masyarakat dapat ditemukan dalam liputan ( exposure ) media massa, karena media massa diyakini dapat menggambarkan realitas sosial dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan. Meskipun untuk itu, informasi atau pesan ( message ) yang ditampilkannya?Xsebagaimana dapat dibaca di surat kabar atau majalah, didengarkan di wireless, dilihat di televisi atau cyberspace telah melalui suatu saringan ( filter ) dan seleksi Dari pengelola media itu untuk berbagai kepentingannya, misalnya: untuk kepentingan bisnis atau ekonomi, kekuasaan atau politik, pembentukan opini publik, hingga pendidikan. Sementara itu, seiring dengan pesatnya perkembangan media informasi dan komunikasi, baik perangkat Keras ( hardware ) maupun perangkat lunak ( package ) , penyampaian pesan/informasi bagi parity siswa dibutuhkan media cyberspace sebagai media pembelajaran siswa agar memudahkan penyampaian materi pelajaran IPS. Siswa dapat memperoleh informasi Dari berbagai sumber informasi, antara lain melalui media massa, siaran televisi dan wireless ( media elektronik ) , surat kabar dan majalah ( media cetak ) , komputer pribadi, cyberspace. Adalah tidak berlebihan kiranya apabila disebutkan bahwa media massa sangat berpengaruh di dalam pendidikan IPS. Hal ini didasarkan pada berbagai temuan penelitian yang menyiratkan, antara lain, bahwa:Media massa, khususnya cyberspace telah begitu memasyarakat ;Media massa berpengaruh terhadap proses sosialisasi ;Orang-orang lebih mengandalkan informasi yang berasal dari mediaMassa daripada Dari Pongo pygmaeus lain ;Para guru IPS perlu memberdayakan media massa sebagai sumberPembelajarannyaPara orang tua dan pendidik, baik secara sendiri-sendiri maupun secara

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Preventing Alzheimers Disease Health And Social Care Essay

Alzheimer ‘s disease is a disease named after Alois Alzheimer who foremost described it in 1906. It is besides known as Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type or Alzheimer ‘s and is the most common signifier of Dementia. It is an incurable, degenerative and terminal disease and is normally diagnosed in people of over 65 old ages of age, nevertheless, there are hints of its oncoming in much earlier ages ( Wegesin & A ; Stern, 2004, p.646 ) .The 2006 statistics indicated that 26.6 million people suffered from this disease universe. The common symptoms for this disease are thought to be age related concerns or emphasis manifestations. The disease is characterized by memory loss, such as trouble in retrieving late learned facts in earlier phases and confusion, temper swings, linguistic communication dislocation, crossness and aggression and general backdown in the advanced phases. The causal effects for this disease are still unknown with fingers indicating to plaques and tangles in the encephalon. Most interventions available for this disease offer diagnostic benefit but fail to turn to the hold or patterned advance of the disease. Since it ‘s incurable and degenerative, the direction of patients is indispensable. The disease is known to put a great load on health professionals who experience psychological, economic, societal and physical force per unit areas while taking attention of sick person ‘s of this disease. This disease is one of the most dearly-won diseases in the developed universe. GuideAge Study: Test of EGb 761 for bar of Alzheimer ‘s disease among the aged with memory ailments. The primary aim of the survey was to find the consequence of EGb761 in intervention on the rate of transition from memory ailments to Alzheimer ‘s disease utilizing survival analysis. The chief marks for this survey were ambulatory patients aged 70 old ages who exhibited memory ailments during a GP or memory centre audience. Those with nonsubjective memory damage or clinically relevant symptoms of anxiousness and depression were nevertheless excluded. Participants were so required to do one-year visits to a memory centre where a series of neuropsychological trials were conducted to measure the cognitive map and cognitive position. The functional position was evaluated with the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Questionnaire ( Andrieu et. al. , 2008, p.406 ) . The survey recognized that primary and secondary bar schemes are desperately needed for Alzheimer ‘s disease as its prevalence continues to lift in industrialised states, with statistics demoing that it has presently affected over 24 million people worldwide. There is besides a high load associate with this disease. The schemes have ab initio proved to be effectual in cut downing mortality, morbidity, and wellness attention costs. Available interventions better cognitive symptoms and estrogen or satin related interventions are secondary bar schemes for Alzheimer ‘s disease ( Wegesin & A ; Stern, 2004, pp.647-648 ) . The basic scientific discipline and clinical informations indicate that estrogen therapy permeates healthy nerve cells with a survival advantage when challenged with a neuro-toxic agent. Greater benefit would hence be predicted if estrogen therapy is begun while nerve cells are still healthy and non biologically compromised ( p.650 ) . The estrogen advantage to healthy nerve cells provides plausible account for why estrogen can be good in forestalling neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer ‘s ( Brinton, 2004, p.419 ) . In add-on, in the intervention of AD, randomized placebo-controlled surveies have provided grounds of efficaciousness. The survey was spread out in a five twelvemonth program, and the primary aim was to find the consequence of intervention with EGb 761 on the rate of transition from memory ailments to dementia of Alzheimer type utilizing survival analysis. The survey design: incorporated a web of doctors to enroll topics ; the eligibility standard was validated in one of 25 mention memory centres. Coordination was by the infirmary mention centre located in Toulouse France ( Andrieu et. al. , 2008, p.407 ) . Age, residential location of patients, mean socio-cultural and instruction degrees, and self-generated coverage of memory ailments were the chief considerations for patient eligibility. Ocular sharp-sightedness and presence of drusen, unnatural pigmentary epithelial tissue and vascularization were considered in the diagnostic standards for age related muscular devolution. Apolipoprotein E, a genotypic determiner for intervention response was taken from blood samples while urine samples were taken to find isoprostan, a possible biochemical alternate marker of result. Spontaneously reported inauspicious effects were recorded for safety rating intents ( p.407 ) . In the intervention procedure, topics were randomized at the proof visit by having EGb 761 or a duplicate placebo. Blinding was ensured by indistinguishable visual aspect of placebo and active drug while colour marker was ensured by utilizing a brown pigment. Behavioral appraisal was through the disposal of neuropsychological trials for appraisal of cognitive map ; the cognitive position was besides evaluated blending MMS and CDR ; Functional position was evaluated utilizing the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Questionnaire. Other appraisals involved balance perturbations, assessed by finding one ‘s ability to stand on one leg, posturography and diagnostic standards for sarcopenia ( pp.407-409 ) . Outcome steps entailed independent adjudication by four clinicians non connected to the survey to determine unvarying instance consequences. Changes in CDR dementedness tonss and alterations in public presentation on neuropsychological trials were considered in the secondary result steps. The study described the cognitive map and disablement in a population composed of 2854 patients who complained of memory jobs. These patients were younger and better educated with high MMSE tonss and longer continuances of memory ailments. Primary attention was the chief context of the survey. Patients who exhibited dementedness, anxiousness and depression symptoms were besides excluded from the survey so as to enrich the survey sample in patients whose memory ailments were related to underlying cognitive troubles other than emotional influences. From the screened population, over 60 per centum scored 0.5 or more on the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale therefore a comparative grade of cognitive damage was recognized. This hence supported old findings where bulk of patients reported ailments in the general population therefore grounds of convergence between aged patients with subjective memory ailments and those with nonsubjective steps of cognitive damage ( p.410 ) . The consequences hence imply that many aged individuals with cognitive damage are undiagnosed within the community and that a pro active attitude from practicians would assist place such people and pave manner for proviso of appropriate attention. CDR would besides be concluded as a sensitive agencies of observing cognitive damage amongst the aged. TheGuideAge is an of import and advanced tool for bar of AD in Europe. A recent survey provided grounds of Gingko biloba infusion effectivity in forestalling cognitive diminution in aged individuals. To farther find the efficaciousness of Gingko biloba, the GuideAge survey provided the needed informations from a big figure of topics. It would besides be effectual analyzing the development of cognitive map and see hazard factors as forecasters of transition from memory ailments to AD in the population. From this analysis hence, it can be concluded that preventative steps for AD are executable owing to the ability to obtain informations every bit good as initiate drug usage in a big sample of the population. Preventing Alzheimer ‘s disease: fact or fiction The prevalence is Alzheimer ‘s disease is significantly increasing in the United States. Presently, the population of those with this disease stands at 4.5 million with an estimated addition of between 11 and 16 million in the following 50 old ages. In add-on, explosive alterations in engineering would ensue in a great challenge in reflecting the mildest signifiers of cognitive shortage. The starchlike plaque in the encephalon remains the trademark pathology of Alzheimer ‘s disease and the amyloid cascade, provides marks for intercessions. The chief purpose of the intercessions is to cut down harm ensuing from starchlike plaque load ( Grossman & A ; Dyk. , 2008, p.887 ) . Significant positive attacks have been made, polar to the designation of diagnostic intervention of Alzheimer ‘s disease and the designation of conditions associated with increased intervention hazards. The success of true bar is nevertheless considered every bit fabricated as there is less informations to back up the claim that the aforesaid hazards cut down the incidences of AD. Several advantages can be drawn from concentrating on the bar of the disease ; foremost, it would spread out the period of high quality of life in aging populations, a hold of oncoming of the disease by one twelvemonth would significantly cut down its prevalence rate, and costs associated with the disease would be minimized ( Grossman & A ; Dyk, 2008, p.888 ) . Despite advancement in the decrease of the disease, bar schemes are still in the grapevine. Medical intercessions for this disease are characterized as primary, secondary and third. Primary: focal point on disease bar ; secondary: on decrease in morbidity in preclinical persons: and third, on remedy, palliation and rehabilitation. Grossman & A ; Dyk ( 2008 ) acknowledge that current therapies for Alzheimer ‘s disease do be. Tacrine was approved in 1993 by the US FDA as the first intervention for AD. The bureau besides introduced donepezil, rivastigime and galantamine as other intervention drugs. They further discourse that primary bar refers to the bar of disease in an unselected population tests to this demand to inscribe a big figure of topics with few exclusion standards and infuse simple cheap ratings of results, with long observation and monitoring periods. The length of clip for bar tests and topics ‘ registration, consequence into high disbursals therefore a substi tution of the bar test, the ‘add on ‘ protocol permits the ratings of multiple spheres in a individual clinical test cohort ( p.900 ) . Both primary and secondary bar tests require careful attending to safety. The agents selected for bar surveies are often referred to as ‘neuroprotective. ‘ A term used to distinguish agents expected to cut down cognitive diminution instead than alleviation of symptoms. Preventive mechanisms purpose at cut downing starchlike plaque by changing metamorphosiss or protecting cells from starchlike toxicity. These mechanisms are largely proposed based on research lab and carnal surveies as few markers of biological mechanisms available in worlds exist. Several categories of agents with encouraging consequences have been tested. These are clearly discussed below. First of all, lipid-lowering medicines, the HMG-CoA reductase are known to impact greatly on knowledge, dementedness and Alzheimer ‘s disease by cut downing cholesterin degrees in the organic structure of worlds ( Sparks et. al. , 2008, p.418 ) . Second, tramiprosate, a 3-amino-1-propanasulfonic acid ab initio developed as a pharmaceutical intervention was examined in a two phased survey of 58 patients with mild to chair Alzheimer ‘s disease over three months. Patients having tramiprosate experienced a decrease in Alzheimer ‘s. Neurochem subsequently reported that tramiprosate would be used as a nutraceutical. Third, immunotherapy initiated by utilizing filaments for the development of Alzheimer ‘s vaccinum was addressed in Schenk ‘s 1999 study as an option for regressing starchlike plaque. There was grounds of a patient showing clearance of AI? hint sedimentations from their cerebral mantle, and a significant microglial response. It was further conclude d that supplanting of AI? , even when embedded in plaques, is possible in worlds when immunotherapeutic techniques are used. Third, is the usage of enzyme inhibitors. Amyloid plaque remains a trademark pathology for Alzheimer ‘s with the amyloid cascade supplying marks for intercessions to assail implicit in mechanisms. Therefore, intercessions to cut down the amyloid plaque load are widely proposed. Furthermore, the control of high blood pressure is grounds associated with decreased hazard of cognitive damage and dementedness, features of Alzheimer ‘s. Some surveies have shown that effectual control of high blood pressure is associated with cognitive benefit. Hormone replacing schemes are besides seen as good mechanisms for the bar of Alzheimer ‘s. There is an feeling that estrogen may be good in keeping cognitive map and detaining dementedness. The benefit of estrogen accrues from the fact that the endocrine acts as a neurotrophin in the pyramidal cells of the CAI part which is known to devolve in Alzheimer's.Astrogen protects the hippocampal nerve cells therefore reduces nervous AI? coevals. Antioxidative schemes on the other manus employ the fact that oxidative emphasis plays a important function in aging and Alzheimer ‘s disease. The usage of antioxidants such as Vitamin C and E is associated with the decrease of hazard of dementedness. Nutritional supplementation, considers that dietetic and nutritionary addendums have an consequence on the hazard of Alzheimer ‘s. From several surveies conducted, the usage of Ginkgo biloba, a herbal addendum indicated an betterment in knowledge. Another clinical test on Salvia officinalis was studied for its possible benefit on knowledge in patients diagnosed with Alzheimer ‘s. Significant benefits were discernible between the end point and baseline tonss on cognitive steps of the intervention group compared with the placebo group ( Doraiswamy, 2002, p.816 ) . Last, nonpharmacological intercessions such as physical exercising are observed as options to protect the aged from cognitive diminution. A Meta analysis conducted reported benefits from physical exercising on functional public presentation, behaviour and knowledge steps in patients with cognitive damage and dementedness. The execution of Cognitive Motor Interventions on 38 patients in one twelvemonth which involved cognitive exercising, societal and psychomotor activities indicated an betterment in temper and subsequent tonss against a control group ( Kreil et. al. , 2010, p.17 ) . Alzheimer ‘s disease is a common wellness concern amongst the aged. While effectual intervention is available, the bar mechanisms are non yet good understood. Cholesterol lowering, other cardiovascular hazard decrease, starchlike metamorphosis and antioxidant mechanisms every bit good as environmental sweetenings have proved as plausible bar options ( Doraiswamy, 2002, p.818 ) . Evidence-based Approaches to Preventing Alzheimer ‘s disease. Non modifiable hazard factors for Alzheimer ‘s include: Age ; this remains as the strongest hazard factor for dementedness, peculiarly for Alzheimer ‘s. The hazard doubles every five old ages in persons above 65 old ages. The hazard nevertheless increases by stopping point to 50 % after 85 old ages. Family history ; hints of Alzheimer ‘s in households ‘ histories for 5 % or less of instances. Hereditary or environmental factors related to households are major influences of this disease. Familial factors ; early Alzheimer happening before 65 old ages histories for 6-7 % of all Alzheimer's.13 % of these clearly exhibit autosomal dominant transmittal over more than one generation.30-70 % of mutants are in presenilin-1 cistron, 10-15 % are in the amyloid precursor protein cistron, and less than 5 % are in the presenilin-2 cistron ( Bassil & A ; Grossberg, 2009, p.30 ) . Modifiable hazard factors on the other manus include cardiovascular hazard factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, lipemia, intoxicant, depression, metabolic syndrome, smoking among others ( Bassil & A ; Grossberg, 2009, p.31 ) . From surveies conducted, the consumption of lipid-lowering medicines indicated a decrease in dementedness ( Sparks, 2008, p.419 ) . Other possible helpful agents to forestall Alzheimer ‘s include: Antioxidant vitamins, the encephalons of Alzheimer ‘s patients contain lesions typically associated with free extremist exposure every bit good as elevated degrees of endogenous antioxidants. Antioxidants cut down the toxicity of AI? in encephalon surveies of Alzheimer patients. This therefore laid a footing for the appraisal of the function of antioxidants such as vitamins E and C and curcumin for the bar of Alzheimer ‘s. Curcumin has anti-inflammatory, anti- amyloid and antioxidant belongingss and is every bit a promising agent i n the bar of Alzheimer ‘s from the ascertained informations ( Bassil & A ; Grossberg, 2009, p.32 ) . Fish and Omega-3 fatty acids. Surveies have shown that consumption of concentrated fat, entire fat and entire cholesterin addition the hazard of dementedness. Reduced degree of Omega 3 fatty acids has been linked to increased hazard of dementedness therefore high fish ingestion would change by reversal the tendency in hazards related to dementia and cognitive diminution ( p.33 ) . Consequences form a community based survey affecting nondementaited persons indicated that attachment to a traditional Mediterranean diet was associated with important decrease in the hazard of incidents related to Alzheimer ‘s disease. Fruits and veggies are besides associated with improved cognitive public presentation in aged individuals. Fruits are particularly linked to decrease in dementedness. Some surveies have nevertheless associated high ingestion of veggies with decrease in cognitive diminution ( p.34 ) . Datas on intoxicant usage and cognitive map in the aged draws assorted consequences. The complexness in these consequences is brought approximately by the dose and type of intoxicant taken. The moderate ingestion of vino is associated with decreased hazard of dementedness and Alzheimer ‘s disease. On the other manus, high ingestion of intoxicant which consequences in alcohol addiction may take to cognitive diminution ( p.34 ) . A randomised controlled test late showed that moderate sums of intoxicant may detain age- associated cognitive diminution. Others include ; caffeine consumption, endocrine therapy, NonSteroid Anti-Inflammatory Drug ( NSAID ) therapy and homocysteine ( Ho et. al. , 2008, pp.86-88 ) . From this information it can be concluded that, dementedness is the consequence of a set of implicit in pathological procedures, some which are preventable. Familial factors, age and household history are disclosed as the major non-modified hazard factors while modified hazard factors range from alcohol addiction, high blood pressure, and diabetes mellitus to depression. All this contribute to the development of Alzheimer ‘s and plausible preventative solutions are hence obtained from these jobs. In add-on, familial exposure is seen to modify most of the hazards associated with Alzheimer ‘s. Although there is deficient grounds to cement primary bar recommendations on dementedness, doctors may recommend taking actions such as take downing cholesterin, blood force per unit area and homocysteine degrees and commanding diabetes. Three constituents of life style, that is, societal, mental and physical are associated with a brilliant decrease in the hazard of dementedness, and Alzheimer ‘s disease. Population based longitudinal surveies have supported the hypothesis that societal, cognitive and physical activity are reciprocally associated with the hazard of dementedness, Alzheimer ‘s disease and cognitive damage. Physical exercising has been thought to heighten encephalon neurtotrophic factors and modify programmed cell death. Dementia is lowered by continuing musculuss mass every bit good as forestalling falls and attendant caput injury ( Kreil et. al. , 2010, pp.18-19 ) . Evidence further shows that exercising can continue optimum cardiovascular map, better regional intellectual blood flow and deter shot and micro vascular disease. NSAID therapy involves the intervention of Alzheimer ‘s with anti-inflammatory agents which slow the patterned advance of dementedness and suppress its oncoming. NSAIDs portray increased possibilities of take downing degrees of amyloidogenic AI?42 protein ( Bassil & A ; Grossberg, 2009, p.35 ) . From the above information, it is deserving observing that Alzheimer ‘s disease can be prevented utilizing both pharmacological and non-pharmacological options. The integrating of dietetic options and physical exercising may besides be efficient in accomplishing the preventative end of Alzheimer ‘s disease.